me and my sister:)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Disscussion Board Rate

This is the first time taking summer classes and I love summer. I also work as much as I can. For the past couple summers, I have been working as summer college help at Marathon Cheese and making 13.92. This summer instead of working there, I am just working my two minimum wage part time jobs as much as I can so I can still make some good money and get those bills paid. So when I am not working and not at my intern, I like to chill and hang with friends and I am not use to doing homework in the summer. Although, I wanted to get ahead so that's not a good excuse and I need to start participating better in the Dissucion Board. For the most part, I make my post by Wednesday or whenever its due, but then I slack in keeping up and checking it three times a week and replying to people on time when they say something. That is something I am going to spend more time on though so that way I am having a better experience in Field 2. I will work harder at it. =D

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


1. Helping the PRC raise money to help keep this place going.
2.Spending more time in Play Group and working with the families that go to the PRC more than I am now.
3. Being able to go on many house visits and learning about different cases and what the Parent Educator's job all consist of.
4. Helping a Parent Educator work on a case.

Yesterday I helped with the play group to learn when I take over.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hmm, so how am I doing right now with this semester? FREAKING OUT! lol. I enjoy my intern and the people here, its just hard to get all my hours when they are open only on the days I have class in Wausau. But I will make it work, we have a garage sale and a few other things going on that I can pick up some hours. Also i'm worried about my grade in this class, but I will see how things turn out at the end of it. I have been very stressed out this semester. Alot going on in my personal life, but hoping that I'm on the right track now and things wil go a lot more smoother for me. I'm pretty happy now and I really enjoy this program and my intern! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lp 9

I get feedback at my intern by having a monthly review with the director at the Parent Resource Center. We talk about anything and everything; things going on in my life and how things are going on at ntc and at the internship. I really enjoyed the first one and felt it was very helpful to me. She lets me vent to her and she gives me helpful tips with class and work and time managing skills.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

learning plan 7

I've been eating a little something in the morning before leaving for class, work or my intern. I at least try to eat a banana or a granola bar before I leave. I also have been working on my newsletter for my intern this week at my intern. Some things on my self-care plan I need to work on a lot more is going to bed early. Not only have I not been going to bed early, i've been only getting a few hours of sleep at night and then being really worn out all day and sleeping and napping when I can and I get nothing done, it's really agrevating! I'm hoping next week to work on finding time to work out and going to bed a lot earlier.
Yes, I have my resume all up to date with activites and jobs.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

lp 6

I'm thinking of probably doing my interview with Rachael Loucks from the Parent Resource Center where I intern in Medford. I think she'd have some really interesting information and I would enjoy the interview a lot! I just recently printed out my resume for applying for field 2, there are some things that I did add on there that weren't on there last year. As I spend more time at the NTC, i'm learning a lot about myself and how much I enjoy this program and how much it is the program for me. I feel more confident also in this program and knowing what I may do in certain situations. Its a great program! I'm finally starting to feel comfortable in this semester then I did at first. Its very overwhelming. I'm going through alot in my own personal life and with finances and then with being at school so much doesn't allow me to have as many hours a week as I would like, but I'm managing and schools important so i'll be just fine.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

field one

I have no started my portfolio yet, I geuss I probaly should! I really don't know, I geuss I feel I have a lot of questions! Where do I start? Well I think that everything I do in Field must go in it, I'm assuming. I know i'll figure it out, it all seems so overwhelming, but once I get everything all organized its not so bad.

I've learned a lot from my courses I've taken that ties in with my fieldwork. You need all the classes because you need to know all that information. I've learned that confidentiality is a big thing and you REALLY need to learn what you can say to othes and what you can't, and if your not sure if you can say something, its better off you don't at all.